Ruben Caliandro
Technical Director, Graphics and Game Programmer
- Date of Birth
- June 7, 1990
- ruben.caliandro@gmail.com
- Phone
- (+39) 333 736 8333
- Location
- Torino, IT
- Personal
- https://chosko.com
I work as Technical Director at Tiny Bull Studios, an indie game developer based in Torino (Italy). I work since 2016 in the video game industry and I have 10+ years of former experience as hobbyist in Game Programming and Graphics Programming.
I coded my first Graphics framework based on DirectX at the age of 15-17 and my greatest passion since then is shader programming. I also worked as Web Developer from 2010 to 2016, in companies located in Italy (Torino) and USA (Sunnyvale, CA).
I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science in 2012 and a Master's Degree in Virtual Reality in 2017, both with the score of 110/110 with honors.
Turin, Italy
Sep, 2020 — Present
1 year 3 months
Technical Director at Tiny Bull Studios srl:
Technical Art Direction, R&D and team management
- Researching state-of-art production and rendering techniques for specific types of game content, with an eye on CPU and GPU optimisation in advance
- Defining optimised workflows for creating and implementing game art in a feasible way for a small team of Artists
- Giving technical instructions to Artists and mentoring to Technical Artists
- Programming tools in support of art production workflows
- Shader programming
- Main Technologies: Nintendo Switch, Unity, C#, ShaderLab, CG/HLSL/GLSL
Turin, Italy
Dec, 2016 — Aug, 2020
3 years 8 months
Graphics Programmer, Game Programmer at Tiny Bull Studios srl:
Visual Effects and Game Programming
- Shader Programming and Optimisation
- Particle Systems and Post-Processing
- Making the effects support Virtual Reality
- Main Technologies: Unity, C#, ShaderLab, CG/HLSL/GLSL, Oculus, Vive, PlayStation 4
Turin, Italy - Sunnyvale, USA
Apr, 2010 — Sep, 2017
7 years 5 months
Full-stack Web Developer at various companies:
Full-stack Web Development
- Main technologies: Node/Express, Ruby/Rails, Angular, AWS, Docker, Databases, PHP
- More about the companies on LinkedIn
Sep, 2009 — Jun, 2013
3 years 9 months
Film Projectionist, Cinema Teatro Cuore:
35mm Film Projections.
- Film assembling and deassembling, security checks, film projections
Jan, 2013 — Oct, 2017
Score: 110/110 with honors
Università degli studi di Torino - Computer Science Department
Master of Science: Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Multimedia
Thesis: Visual Effects for Real-Time Stereoscopic Rendering
Sep, 2009 — Dec, 2012
Score: 110/110 with honors
Università degli studi di Torino - Computer Science Department
Bachelor of Science: Computer Science (Networks)
Thesis: Spam Analysis tools
Sep, 2004 — Jul, 2009
High School P. Gobetti
High School: Science
Thesis: Mathematics applied to 3D Computer Graphics Programming
Sep, 2020 — Jul, 2021
Confidential project
- Technical direction, R&D, shaders, custom tools
Dec, 2019 — Jan, 2020
Underwater VR — Oculus VR Experience
A VR experience in which you cruise aboard an underwater vehicle to explore some of the facilities of Italy's largest energy company.
- Unity, C#, HLSL, Volumetric effects, Caustics, Stereoscopic VFX
Nov, 2018 — Mar, 2019
Skill Steal — PC (Prototype, Unreleased)
A multiplayer battle royale where opponents can steal each other's skills.
- Unity, HDRP, 500+ realtime lights in the same environment at 60 fps
Dec, 2016 — Oct, 2017
Visual Effects for Real-Time Stereoscopic Rendering — Master of Science Thesis
Some VFX are not suitable for VR because they alter the correct perception of depth. The thesis shows a possible solution for a kind of distortion VFX applied to 3D models.
Dec, 2016 — Sep, 2018
Blind — Oculus, Steam VR, PSVR
Blind is a narrative-driven psychological thriller for virtual reality where the player is blind and must explore their surroundings using echolocation.
- Fully custom lighting system and shaders for echolocation
- Light management and optimisation algorithms built from scratch
- Stereoscopic VFX and post-processing
- Unity, C#, CG
Apr, 2007 — Jul, 2009
Mathematics applied to 3D Computer Graphics — High School Thesis
A thesis regarding some notions of trigonometry and geometric transformations, which I studied while making my first graphics framework, and a 3D demo application showing the solar system.
- Made at the age of 16-19 with DirectX, C#, HLSL shaders
Other personal projects
More about other projects on LinkedIn, GitHub and my personal website
- Italian
- Native speaker
- English
- Professional working proficiency
Guitar: Electric Guitar, Classical Guitar
Puzzles: Rubik's Cube and others