Ruben Caliandro

Ruben Caliandro

Computer Graphics, Web Development and Videogames


Minesweeper 3D

02 Feb 2016

Download for Windows

Minesweeper3D is the evolution of the classical Minesweeper puzzle. The main difference with the original is that, instead of a 2D puzzle made of flat tiles, it's a 3D puzzle made of cubes. This means that each cube can have up to 26 neighbours, making the game much challenging.

A screenshot of Minesweeper3D A screenshot of Minesweeper3D

Before playing the game, a settings window allows you to choose between the classical minesweeper, a double layered puzzle or a multi-layered puzzle. You can also choose to manually set the size of the grid and the number of mines, or you can go completely random.

A screenshot of the settings window A screenshot of the settings window

The puzzle is pretty hard to solve: the average resolution time for an advanced grid (12x12x8) is between 30 minutes and an hour. However, a focus mode (Shift button) allows you to highlight only the neighbour cubes of the selected one, helping you a lot.

A screenshot of the focus mode A screenshot of the focus mode


  • ESC: exit
  • F5: restart
  • W, A, S, D, E and Q: fly forward, right, back, left, up, down
  • Mouse: rotate camera
  • Left click on a closed cube: open the cube
  • Right click on a closed cube: flag the cube
  • Left click + Right click on a number: reveals all the neighbour cubes, except for the flagged ones. It works only if the selected number matches the number of the neighbour flagged cubes, otherwise it does nothing.
  • Right click on a number: flag all the neighbour closed cubes.
  • SHIFT (hold): highlight only the neighbour cubes
  • SPACEBAR (hold): highlight only the closed cubes
  • CTRL (hold): show also the empty cubes
  • Mouse scroll: increase or decrease the spacing between the cubes