Ruben Caliandro

Ruben Caliandro

Computer Graphics, Web Development and Videogames



30 Apr 2014

View on Windows Phone Store

In 2013 I attended the Indie Speed Run, an international Game Jam in which you join a team to create a video game in 48 hours. A Danger Dice decides the theme of the game and also an element that you must put into your game.

This was my team: Stefano Nada (game developer and graphics designer), Stefano Ordine (game developer and level designer), Roberto Pesando (game developer and sound designer) and me. Our theme was "speed" and our element was "scroll".

A screenshot of Scrollcraft

So we made Scrollcraft: a 2D runner game in which Nocth - our hero - is running away from a "scrolling scroll" jumping on word platforms and collecting power ups. We placed 4th in Rome in 2 categories: "Best Animation" and "Best 2D Graphics".

A screenshot of Scrollcraft

After the event we released the game for Windows Phone but if you want you can try Scrollcraft (warning: alpha-quality!) released as-is at the end of the 48h competition, after tons of Coke and junk-food.